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 Main » 2007 » December » 03


Hi everybody,

Considering some topics and panic crisis that are starting to populate the forum we believe it’s necessary to pause the sequencer and give you some info about the album work and explain this endless delay.

Premised that this job doesn’t always allow you to respect the deadlines due to the fact that it’s based on parameters that don’t fit in the typical office hours: in our case it’s practically a miracle if that happens!

We’ve written and produced a lot up till now, many song are at the mix level while others are still out of focus or far from the feeling we want to get from them. This obviously becomes an obstacle to get over in order to wrap the tracklist and as a consequence it moves the release date to a further date to be defined.

The music we are listening to has given a great number of inputs that have moved our points of view for some song arrangements. This happens often when you’re constantly looking for a new vibe and when you’re never completely satisfied by the roads you've walked.
Unfortunately this is recurrent dream/nightmare for us, we’ve always been affected by the “bored quickly” syndrome …we just can’t walk the same road twice.
As many of you know we’ve gone through international dance music, Italian dance pop music all the way to being an electropop double language band with a new name !!
All this is enough to give a heart attack to the majors and labels in general and put a big question mark on the mass-medias faces that are always trying to find the right shelf to put you on ( or should we say folder today?).
So what can you do about it? That’s how we are! We like to live our passion this way…as freely as possible even though it might destabilize sometimes.
Maybe one day we’ll find a place, like a roadside café, where our minds can chill and do the same things for at least fifteen minutes, take a breath of fresh are and…get to the important appointment on time!

Metaphors aside,

You are all aware of the fact that we want to dress this second album in a more immediate way, electronic and danceable.
Please understand that choices like these, for people like us that have a dance reputation big enough to become a statue for our future grandsons, create expectations that require a lot more than the average predictable results.
That’s why all our efforts at the moment are focused on researching the right sounds/emotions for the songs that represent the diamond point of the album.
The idea is to find a mix between power and style that can serve the melody of the songs we don’t want to give up on without having to through our hands in a jar of sounds that have become old or that is blinking to the style that’s riding the wave and that everybody’s following.

It’s easy to understand that all this is complicated…it takes a lot of effort, sacrifice and time…sleepless nights spent working on a drum track or synth sequence that may lead to no glory. Luckily there are different rays of light that give a hand and turn the fire of enthusiasm on…how many times have we been through this?

Who said that a musician lives an easy life?

Thank God our passion is so big that we can barely feel the hard work.

But we really need a vacation…

That time will come…but as always….late.

A big hug

Thanks for the endless patience

Maury & Jeffrey

P.S: We would like to that all of you that regularly write on our MySpace making us rotate in the top 20 artists most visited in Italy!


Привет всем ,

Учитывая появления топиков о том ,когда выйдет крэш тест 02, че за черт вас дери творицо ,где синглы и , что за хрень происходит почему так долго еп вашу мать и так далее , мы решили немного остановиться и проинформировать вас о работе на альбомом и объяснить «что?» «как?» и «почему» , че это за бесконечная тянучка и тд.

Давайте прежде всего учтем ,что наш вид деятельности не всегда позволяет нам укладываться точно в сроки, благодаря тому ,что эта работа не укладывается в рамки о ...

Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 867 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-12-03


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