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Ремикс прозвучит на радио 27 июля 2007 года. Мы ведь вам говорили,что сюрпризы не кончатся !
Ну чтож ,все несколько дней спустя официального ремикса на Vasco
Rossi’s “Basta Poco” (и всего два дня со дня релиза в цифровом магазине
iTunes Italia, состоялся мировой релиз в iTunes композиция успела войти
в первые числа "горячих" композиций и мы очень рады сообщить ,что
спустя всего то пару дней ,а мы уже анонсируем следующий ремикс и очень
скоро вы услышите его по радио. Мы ожидаем плана выпуска от
Universal , по которому будет решено , когда ,где и на чем выйдут
ремиксы и мы сообщим как только мы что-будь узнаем. Ожидая
выпуска второго крэша, мы очень изголодались по танцевальной музыке и
как еще можно лучше насытиться , чем сремиксовать два летних хита ,
популярных италоисполнителей? Приятного прослушивания и счастливых вам каникул. Bloom 06 ENGLISH Zucchero “Un Kilo” Bloom 06 Official Remix Radio Date Friday 27th of July We told you that there were still some surprises to come!
Well in just a few days from the Vasco Rossi’s “Basta Poco”
official remix news (that in only two days from it’s digital release is
already number one in the World category iTunes top singles) we are
once again honored to announce that from today on radios will be
playing the Bloom 06 official remix of the summer single “Un Kilo” by
We are waiting for the release plans that Universal intends to follow and that we will communicate as soon as we know.
Waiting to wrap the production of “Crash Test 02” we had a great
hunger for dance and what better way to feed it than to remix the
summer hits of two of the biggest Italian music artists?
Enjoy and Happy holidays.
Bloom 06 ITALIANOZucchero “Un Kilo” Bloom 06 Official Remix Da Venerdì 27 Luglio in radio Vi avevamo detto che le sorprese non erano finite!
Ebbene, a qualche giorno dalla notizia del remix ufficiale di
“Basta Poco” di Vasco Rossi (che a 2 giorni dalla pubblicazione
digitale è già al primo posto nei top singoli su Itunes nella categoria
“World”), siamo nuovamente lieti ed onorati di annunciare che da oggi
in radio potrete sentire il nostro remix ufficiale di “Un Kilo” singolo
estivo di Zucchero.
Attendiamo di sapere l’iter discografico che la Universal intenderà seguire per potervelo comunicare.
In attesa di concludere la produzione di “Crash Test 02”, avevamo
“voglia di dance” e cosa c’era di meglio se non remixare le hit estive
di due tra i maggiori esponenti della musica italiana?
Buon ascolto e Buona Estate
Bloom 06
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 813 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-07-30 |
Ранее мы упомянали о неком параллельном проекте, в котором мы также
задействованы и мы не можем пока о нем ничего конкретного сказать. Но
сейчас - Рады объявить о новом ремиксе «Vasco Rossi – Basta Poco
– Bloom 06 Remix» - единственном официальном ремиксе на летний сингл
Vasco Rossi. В последуйщие дни ЕМИ [записывающий лейбл] распространит
ремикс среди радиостанций, включены две версии (радиоверсия и полная,
удлиненная) для инет магазинов. Планируется выпустить старый добрый винил 12", но дата выпуска еще не решена.
В прошлом, как многие из вас конечно помнят, мы сделали ремикс на
«Vasco Rossi - Ti Prendo e Ti Porto Via» и теперь мы очень довольны
повторить это этим летом 2007 и мы счастливы представить вам новый
ремикс как ремикс от «Bloom06” ....На этом сюпризы не закончатся. Bloom 06.
We have mentioned about a parallel project on the way that we couldn’t say too much about but now:
We are happy to announce the “Vasco Rossi – Basta Poco – Bloom 06 Remix”…the only official remix of Vasco Ross’s summer single.
In the next days EMI (the emilian rocker’s record label) will mail
the remix to the radios and include the two versions (radio and
extended) on different digital stores.
They are planning on releasing a good old vinyl 12 inch but at the moment the release date has not been decided.
In the past, as many of you surely remember, we have remixed “Vasco
- Ti Prendo e Ti Porto Via” and we are honored to repeat this
experience for his summer 2007 hit and most of all honored to bless
this as a “Bloom 06” remix.
…there are more surprises to come…
Avevamo accennato un progetto parallelo in corso d’opera di cui non potevamo svelare niente, ebbene:
Siamo lieti di annunciarvi “Vasco Rossi - Basta Poco - Bloom 06
Remix”, l’unico remix ufficiale del singolo dell’Estate di Vasco Rossi.
Nei prossimi giorni la Emi (casa discografica del rocker emiliano)
presenterà il remix alle radio ed inserirà le due versioni disponibili
(radio ed extended) sui vari portali digitali.
E’ in previsione anche l’uscita del caro vecchio vinile (12 “) ma non si sa ancora la data esatta di pubblicazione.
Come qualcuno si ricorderà in passato remixammo per Vasco “Ti
prendo e ti porto via” e ci sentiamo onorati di aver ripetuto
quest’esperienza per il singolo dell’Estate 2007 e soprattutto nella
nostra nuova realtà dei Bloom 06.
Buon ascolto
e le sorprese non sono ancora finite …..
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 789 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-07-25 |
We’ve been anticipating this monent for about 3 long years. We’ve
been waiting and truly believed that in the end we’ll get an awesome
thing. We’ll get not Eiffel 65’s album ,but the Bloom06’s one.
Actually, it has became the major priority, or purpose of the new group
– Maury and Jeffrey leaved Blissco for exploring the new horizons and
sound. They left out all the coherences with their past – probably,
they forgot their synthersizer [almost like they forgot their
craftsmanship] in the Blissco’s studios. Completely, they valed with
Gabry ,an ex-DJ of Eiffel65, who leaves the group for his own project
in 2006. Their marrige wih a new guitars was a complete spoilage, it
was bought in a specific way in cheap sellin’ musician shop . And the
last, and the most shockin’ ,suspensful and aghast , especially for
russian language , a new label “Blue Boys” has been found to start a new career and a new universe for their own project “Bloom 06”.
During the last 3 years, we’ve been readin’ ,hopin’, even worshipin’ to
their promises, details, the new album release date and etc. Guys were
very busy, sharing gransiose plans with hectic fans about new disc and
album. Among their promises were such as that an album will contain 20
songs, Maurizio will experience himself as a singer ,etc. Someone who
promises too much ,high and low, somehow finds his heart not to lie
,and the true expression is found not only in the notes, but in the
silences between them. But it’s only temporary condition, anyway.
But, what’s about when the precious CD is in our hands ,and we huddle
it in to CD-player to get familiar with. Oki, here we gooo....
Every CD starts with a cover. Our particular Cd has done it’s best and
there’s no problems. Honestly). The lonely road goes far , the
background is also rather pretty – the wind mills (extremely utilized
for getting the ecological clear vigor), burdened with clouds in the
sky. Beautiful picturesque picture is decorated with rather
slapp-painted frame. The proper cd font’s are chosen in a right way.
Looks modern and cool. Let’s find out what’s on . Inside the Cd there
is a marvellous photo of Maury and Jeffrey, background is a sunset. Cd.
Insert the Cd and push the button. An album contains 8 songs.
It’s bi-lingual to boot again! It means songs are in english and
italian. The style is lush, electronic pop music. The Bloom06 sound
approaches territory between guys favourite groups - Depeche Mode with
Modern Day ,A-ha, with a bit of Robbie Williams thrown in for good
measure, the vocal of Jeffrey is no more vocoded. Is it good or bad
– everyone will decide for himself . Those who named Eiffel 65 as a
group , which can’t exist without vocoded and synthersized vocals were
completely wrong. The provement was, the distinctive vocoder voice
started to disappear in Eiffel65 last self-titled album. 01 - When The Party's Over
Inspiring orchestral opening joined with the guitar, announced
previously. The beats startin’ and...the orchestra is turned off. Such
a pity. Through the synthersized guitar background, Jeffrey Jey's
vocals appears. It sounds very stunning. It's a very deep track with
poetic lyrics, maybe some hided out mean , which is known only by Maury
and Jeffrey, some mellow sound, and, especially ,the refrain vocals are
stunning. But all the atmosphere made by guitar distortion joining the
beats, becomes pop-sized, the music goes down. Besides that, the track
is a little monotonus. 8.0 из 10 02 - Cielo Spento
Calm intro again, joining rather pretty guitar trackdown.
Hmmm...Something is wrong...The second-sort sound , borrowed form
Planet Funk band , but it’s borrowed really worthy. And Jeffrey’s
italian vocals seems good. No claims. Primitive melody ,2 or 3 chords,
no more. 7.5 из 10 03 - Don't Say These Words Listening to this "song" , there is only one though in a head – don’t sing such songs (Copyrighted by Effa] 6.0 из 10 04 - In The City
This song does have a more melancholy sound to it.The track sounds
deep, almost mesmerizing, rather tasty ,in one word. The main dish in
the album. But the original track was composed 2 years ago. But music,
unlike food doesn’t flaw with ages. 8.5 из 10 05 - Per Sempre
Orchestral intro again with italian lyrcis. Oh, Tiziano Ferro has a
worthy competitor ! But unfortunately this
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 839 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-07-11 |
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 766 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-07-01 |
Привет ,всем ! Как ваши летние каникулы ? Мы наслаждаемся летней жарой ,сидя в студии, работая над новыми песнями ,надеясь ,что скоро мы сможем сыграть их на сцене !
Работа над «Сrash Test 02” проходит хорошо : мы подошли к стадии ,когда
демоверсии завершены ,всего около 14 треков , более или менее
доведенные до ума, и мы выберем какие войдут в плейлист альбома.
В альбоме будут 10 треков – 6 на английском и 4 на итальянском (наконец
то законченные). Остальные пока мы придержим для будущего ))) Как уже
было упомянуто ранее , альбом будет звучать близко к нашему старому
танцевальному стилю , темп будет быстрее ,но все равно будет немного не
то, что было раньше . Мы считаем этот и наш первый альбом – как
бы две разделенные главы, две стороны одной монеты, то была темная
сторона (дерьмовенькая ) , а сейчас светлая ,чистая и тд.
Надеемся на фиксированную цену дисков ( не хотелось бы рушить искусство
в коммерческих целях) , надеемся ,что записывающие магазинчики ее не
изменят. Все это для того если кто не знает ,что бы наш альбом мог
выйти в двух вариантах (СД и других форматах) , по средней цене,
выпущенный в разное время, не совсем по современному. По
завершению работы мы начнем подумывать о живых выступлениях , вспоминая
обо всем , что мы выпустили и это будет конечно мегакруто ,учитывая всю
работу ,которую необходимо проделать. Решено найти музыкантов ,которые
займутся музыкальными и визуальными вкусностями , доработают трэклист и
приступят к фазе «пост продакшен». Так же все техническое и визуальное
оснащение ,включая всех людей ,которые займутся подготовкой всей этой
бодяги , и не много не мало, практиковаться ,практиковать
,практиковаться пока не кончим (упадем в обморок ) Но вся эта бодяга тока после CRASH TEST 02.
В настоящее время мы задействованы еще в одном проекте и ,думаем, вы
будете удивлены , увидав нас в другом свете )). Эт довольно хорошенькая
новость , документы портят соль…по этой причине мы много не ждем…)))
Как только мы получим официальное подтверждение (надеемся скоро) ,мы
сразу же поспешим вам об этом сообщить….а может быть вы уже и сами
догадались)) Пока все… Берегите себя…. Bloom 06
Hi Everybody,
How is your summer 2007 going?
We are enjoying the summer heat in studio working on the new
productions hoping the day we will be playing them on a stage will come
“Crash Test 02” is developing well: we are currently at he point
where the first demos are finished totalizing 14 track, more or less
complete, that we will chose from in order to come up with the final
track list.
The idea is an album of 10 songs, 6 in English and 4 in Italian
(which is the work in progress of these days). The others will be kept
for future projects ;)
As mentioned before the bpms are intentionally faster compared to
the first album and the sound is a lot closer to our beloved Dance
style but not completely.
We have always considered this debut album, split in two chapters,
as the two faces of a coin: the first episode being the darker side and
the second the brighter one.
This time we will try to have a fixed price stamp on the cover
(although we don’t like the idea of ruining the artwork for commercial
means) hoping that the record stores don’t cover it.
All this to communicate, to who doesn’t know yet, that our project
is to have an album in two episodes (CD’s or other formats), at a
medium price, released in two different moments and not contemporarily.
After all this extenuating work we will start putting all our
efforts on the live tour production that will take a great deal of time
considering the numerous things to do:
Decide the lineup and eventually put together a pool of musicians
that can fit in our musical and visual concept, conceive the track list
and start the post production faze.
decide the visual and technical stage including the amount of
people that will be needed to take care of it and, non the less,
practice, practice, practice and practice till we faint.
But all this work for the tour will start only after completing “Crash Test 02”.
Currently we involved in a parallel project that puts us in a
slightly different light, although not totally new, that we are sure
will surprise you. It’s pretty much a fact already but for paper work
reasons we can’t anticipate much.
As soon as we have an official confirmation (hoping they give us
one soon) we will rush to let you know…althoug
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 827 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-06-29 |
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 1260 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-06-29 |
Now you can read the full biography of E65/B06 on 4 languages. Enjoy!
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 2097 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-04-21 |
Дата Выхода : 9 Марта 2007 года.
Все треки оцифрованы с диска. НЕ РИПЫ, не ЗАПИСИ С РАДИО. 1 – Bloom 06 - Per Sempre (Album Mix) 2 – Bloom 06 - Per Sempre (E.N.C. Bright Side Remix) 3 – Bloom 06 - Per Sempre (E.N.C. Dark Side Remix) 4 – Bloom 06 -The Crash (E.N.C. 90s Recalls) Эксклюзив для пользователей ITUNES 5 - Bloom 06 -Per Sempre [Oliver V Night in NY remix]
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 12349 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-03-10 |
Доступен для скачивания клип на песню Per Sempre, из первого альбома CRASH TEST01. Per Sempre(Video)
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 5803 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-02-17 |
Второй сингл Bloom 06 "Per Sempre" выйдет 26-го января 2007-го года.
Cингл будет аналогичен "In The City", ремиксы будут от тех же E.N.C. и Oliver V. Но припасен и бонус - ремикс на песенку The Crash от E.N.C. ,который будет называться[E.N.C. DANCE FLOOR MIX] Послушать ремикс E.N.C. на песню "In The City" можно здесь.. PS. Возможно, скоро будет еще один видеоклип.
Сategory: Bloom 06 | Views: 32668 | Added By : Oggi | Data : 2007-01-12 | |
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